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468 Magee Street, Southampton, New York 11968 631-283-3550

Office referral

Why should I do it:

Sets limits, boundaries, and consistent consequences for students and behavior expectations
Prevents students from disrupting the class or receiving further attention for the behavior
Makes a point to the student that the behavior will not be tolerated
Prevents students from controlling the class agenda

When should I do it:

Teachers should always try to deal with behavior and other problems and issues in the classroom when possible, however, sometimes, when the behavior is serious enough, an office referral is necessary
When a student become self destructive, out of control, violent, or aggressive
When a child becomes excessively defiant and oppositional, refusing to follow all directives
When a student puts themselves in a dangerous situation
When a student appears sick

How do I do it:

Use a calm and neutral tone in a matter-of-fact way
Give the student choices and warnings before sending them to the office
Call the office to let them know the child is coming and send another adult with the child when possible or have an adult from the office come retrieve the child
Send a referral sheet to the office with a detailed description of the behavior