Alternative modes of completing assignments
Why should I do it:
Students learn in various ways and modes
Students respond better
Students are more likely to complete work
Students will become more engaged
All learners will have better opportunities to understand and correctly complete expectations
When should I do it:
Alternative modes of completing assignments should be regularly used in all classes and students given the choice as to which method they will use
You may want to suggest or require that certain students use a specific mode of completion if it seems that mode may work best for that student or the student has shown a pattern of learning to support the use of that mode of completion
How do I do it:
There are numerous alternative modes of assignment completion, here are the most common:
Verbally giving answers
Drawing a picture, graphic, diagram, etc.
Using a computer to type out an assignment
Putting answers on index cards
Have student act out assignment
Make a small comic book out of assignment
Have student do a demonstration or experiment
Record verbal responses on computer mic
Do homework in Power Point
Make assignment into a song or rap