Tier I Interventions for Frustration
Before you start, a few important points:
*Try multiple interventions
*Each intervention must be tried for at least 2 weeks
*Collect and track specific data on each intervention tried and the effect of each intervention over the time it was implemented
*After at least 6 weeks, you may consider moving to tier 2 interventions. You must submit your tier 1 data to and speak with your building administrator before moving to tier 2 as well.
Tier I interventions for Frustration:
- Assign a buddy or partner
- Break down assignment
- Break down directions
- Clear and concise directions
- Count to 10
- Deep breathing
- Give choices
- Reflection sheet
- Reflective listening
- Speak with student in hallway
- Stress ball or fidget
- Take a break
- Talk one on one with student
- Teach conflict resolution skills
- Teach coping skills
- Teach relationship skills
- Teach relaxation techniques
- Teach social skills
- Use calm neutral tone